Your business is registered on the web-based HUB directory.Certification is valid for four (4) years, provided that the business continues to meet the eligibility requirements.Questions regarding the completion of the HUB Certification Application should be directed to 51 or 88. It is not De-Identified Data, as that term is defined under HIPAA, and thus, must be safeguarded and. NOTE: Please allow 2-4 weeks to process you HUB Certification Application. The University of Arizona Wordmark Line Logo White. Upon completion, return the application along with the appropriate business documentation requested in the application, to: Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, Statewide HUB Program, 1711 San Jacinto Blvd., P.O.
#Define wordmark download
Under “HUB Certification Application Forms” download and complete the form labeled “All Business Structures”. Complete the HUB Certification Application located at the Texas Procurement and Support Services website.

You must meet the following eligibility requirements:

Stacked, inline, and isolated versions of the logo. A Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) is a corporation, sole proprietorship, partnership or a joint venture formed for the purpose of making a profit in which at least 51 percent ownership of the business is by a woman, minority and/or service-disabled veteran. Much like the Drupal wordmark, the Drupal drop logo is a defining element of Drupals visual identity.